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We rejoice in the opportunity to gather as the very diverse Body of Christ. Our church is made up of people from all walks of life, and while that diversity could lead to adversity,

on Sunday mornings, we find our common identity in Christ.


We mean it when we say that all are welcome to our church.

Whether you're a lifelong Presbyterian or aren't even sure how to pronounce that word;

whether you feel confident in your faith, or can't remember the last time you prayed,

you are are welcome here. 


We are definitely a come-as-you are crowd. Some wear jeans, others wear suits.

You'll likely find one of the pastor's kids running around in an outfit they picked out themselves. Just know that there's no need to dress to impress. You can be your authentic self. 



Every Sunday at 10:30am




We welcome all ages in worship, however, if your children under the age of 5 would prefer to play in our nursery, it is available every week. Our teacher, Ms. Utopia, plans a Bible lesson and craft every week.





If you arrive between 10:00 and 10:30 am, you'll be greeted with a hot cup of coffee.


As we gather, you're invited to fellowship with others, or just enjoy a moment to yourself as we prepare our hearts for worship. 






All ages are welcome in worship, and we especially love when our wiggly young ones remain in our worship space. But if your prefer, nursery care is available starting at 10:15 am. 


We use a monitor to help us follow along during worship, and while we don't use paper bulletins, you can click the following link to see an example of a recent order of worship.


Our music is a blend of contemporary praise and traditional hymns. If you'd like to listen to a playlist of songs we've recently used in a worship service, click here. 


We celebrate the sacrament of communion every week and we recognize that it is not our Table - it belongs to Christ! Therefore, if you claim a life of faith, no matter how small or shaky that faith is, you are welcome at the Table. 


Our worship service is participatory - which means there are several times when we get up and move around. During the passing of the peace we try to greet everyone present. We also invite everyone to walk to the front during our offering as well as to the Table for communion. If anyone has mobility restrictions, we are mindful to accommodate and can serve you in your seat. 


During our Prayer and Praise time, we lift up our joys and concerns. These prayer requests are recorded and emailed to our church family so that we can be in prayer for one another throughout the week. 


Our worship services last anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes,

depending on how the Spirit is moving. 






We seek to provide spiritual formation for all ages and offer Bible studies, prayer groups, Sunday School for kids, and youth group gatherings. 






We are blessed to be a blessing and seek to ensure mission and outreach are part of our weekly worship service. 


Recent mission engagement activities include: gathering cans for the Souperbowl of Caring, collecting socks for persons experiencing homelessness in Austin, and gathering supplies for asylum seekers in South Texas.








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