We are in a season of discernment and prayerfully considering what is next for us - stay tuned!

Elder Danita Nelson
Director of Spiritual Formation
Danita Nelson is a beloved child of God, delivered through loving parents Wyvon Ruth Ross Nelson and Oliver Nelson in Danville, Illinois.
Educated in Danville public schools, she completed a Bachelor of Arts
degree in Economics from the University of Texas. She is the recipient of the Certificate in Ministry and a Spring 2021 graduate, having earned a Master of Arts in Ministry Practice from Austin Presbyterian Seminary.
Between undergraduate school and answering a call to professional ministry, Danita served as an officer in the United States Air Force, sold television and print advertising, worked as a State of Texas Civil Rights Investigator/Manager, and cherished the laboras a cultural arts administrator and programming coordinator.
The mother of two adult children, four grandchildren, and a grand dog. It is a
blessing to find purpose in loving the Lord and serving God’s people.

Rev. Trish Holland, Honorably Retired
Parish Associate
Patricia Gladney Holland grew up in Homer, LA as the oldest of seven children. She earned a B.A. from Rhodes College in Memphis,TN and a M.Div. from Austin Presbyterian Seminary in 1968.
She served congregations in Waco and Rockdale, TX, Denver and Colorado Springs, CO before joining Pastor James Lee in starting NCFA in 2008.
Trish is the mother of four adult children and enjoys seven grandchildren. She enjoys reading & writing and has published six books: GOD IS NOT NICE, A HUSBAND'S NOT A HORSE, A WELL KEPT SECRET, HOPE IS A LUMBERING LADY, A SECOND HELPING OF GRACE, and GRACE ABOUNDS.