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Events for Summer 2021


May 23rd, 2pm - Pentecost Party on the church lawn

      Join us for a Sunday School-type lesson, crafts, games, and 

      snacks! (Masks strongly encouraged, but we’ll be socially 



June 6th,  10:30am - Hybrid worship service on the church lawn


June 27th, 10:30am - Possible hybrid worship service (details TBD!)


July 25th, 10:30am - Compassion Café hosted by our Reboot Youth team 

  Join us for a messy church experience as we have a service 

   project, interactive sermon time, and creative liturgy. (Details to 



VBS - Dates to be determined





















Outdoor Worship Details


We are so excited to be planning a few outdoor worship services this summer for special events. Session has approved June 6th, June 27th, and July 25th as in-person/hybrid worship services. June 6th will for sure be held outside, and we’ll determine the plan for the other two dates as soon as we are able to make a decision that is in the best interest of safety and comfort (it’s going to get hot this summer!).


If you would like to attend gatherings in person, we strongly encourage you to get the COVID-19 vaccine and wait until 2 weeks after your final dose. We know that many NCFAers are already vaccinated (which is wonderful!) and that the CDC has said those who are vaccinated do not need to wear a mask at events such as our small worship services; but we have many young worshipers who do not yet have the opportunity to become vaccinated, so that we want to create a safe environment for all members of our community. 


Here is the plan for our in-person precautions: 

  • We will worship outside on the church lawn, with the worship leaders set up under a pop-up tent on the grass. 

  • We will have households spread out, 6 feet apart, with seating available under the breezeway for shade and some in the grass if you don’t mind the sun. 

  • While you are seated, you are welcome to remove your mask, but we ask that you please wear a mask if you are going to interact with people from outside of your household/pod. If you prefer to wear a mask for the full duration of the gathering, we fully support that, and we encourage it if you have not yet been vaccinated.

  • We will have communion elements available by ordinance (individual cups/wafers), but if you would feel more comfortable bringing your own elements from home, we will bless them for the sacrament and you can partake from your seat.






























What about those who choose to continue worshiping @ home?


No need to worry! Your worship experience will be very similar to what we have been doing on Zoom for the past year. We will have a TV and camera set up outside so you can still participate in our worship service. We will stick to the same order of worship that we’ve been doing, and we will close our time with passing the peace and then prayer and praise. The only difference is that we will likely not be livestreaming the service; so if you’d like to participate from home, please log into our Zoom. A recording will be available after the service and posted to YouTube.

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